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Eirin Yagokoro
Vorlage:Lang Eirin Yagokoro jagokoɽo eːɽʲiɴ (♫) | |
![]() Eirin Yagokoro in Imperishable Night
Gehirn des MondesMehr Charaktertitel | |
Alter | Mindestens 1500 Jahre alt, älter als Lord Tsukuyomi und das Mondkapital |
Spezies | Lunarier (Göttin) |
Fähigkeiten |
Kann alle möglichen Medikamente brauen Natürliche Intelligenz |
Tätigkeit | Apothekerin |
Heimat | Eientei, was originally from the Moon |
Auftritte |
Offizielle Spiele:
Musik |
Eirin Yagokoro (八意 永琳) ist ein medizinisches Genie vom Mond und ist sogar in der Lage, das Hourai-Elixir herzustellen. Sie lebt als Flüchtling in Gensoukyou, seit sie sich dafür entschieden hat, bei Kaguya Houraisan auf der Erde zu bleiben und ihr zu dienen, statt sie zurück zum Mond zu bringen. Sie war sehr bekannt auf dem Mond, da sie nicht nur eine Erschafferin der Mondhauptstadt zusammen mit Lord Tsukuyomi war, sondern auch die führende Medizinerin auf dem Mond war. Sie war außerdem für die Emissäre zuständig.
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She first appeared as the Alternative Final Boss in Imperishable Night, and she was stage 9 target in Shoot the Bullet. She is also involved in Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom.
After the events of Imperishable Night, Eirin has begun using her knowledge of medicine to act as Gensokyo's premier pharmacist, selling medicines at Eientei ranging from sleep aids to various cures. You can visit her like you visit a normal doctor, and she can even prescribe medicine for obscure illnesses. Her medicines are well known to work with no side effects, though youkai medicine and human medicine must never be mixed together. It's reasonable to believe her medicines come from the Moon or are developed with Lunar technology. The medicine is not only effective, but fairly priced. Fortunately, Eirin is not fussy about payment; she will most likely wait until you pay her. Still, it is believed that Eirin may have another reason for starting this business other than profit.
Eirin is an enigmatic person surrounded by many mysteries, and her answers regarding the mysteries about her are incoherent replies. She is generally a fairly pleasant person and is devoted to serving her best friend, Kaguya, but she does not suffer fools gladly, and because of her incredibly high intelligence, she can come across as conceited, impatient and condescending at times to those not sharp enough to follow her explanations immediately. However, she also seems to lack general common sense, most likely due to her not living with humans.
- Making any drug
She can make all sorts of drug/medicines, from medicine for the ordinary cold to drugs that can manipulate dreams. As one would expect, she is not able to make medicines that would require a physically impossible process in order to produce, nor can she make the medicine if she does not have the ingredients. Although she did make the Hourai Elixir, she made it using Kaguya's ability.
- Natural Genius
Eirin is said to be highly intelligent and considers other people to be less smart than her. Furthermore, the Yagokoro family is said to be a line of medicinal geniuses and even among them, Eirin is exceptionally intelligent. Due to this, Eirin is rarely understood by others.
- Immortality
It is not specified in her profile, but Eirin reveals to Yuyuko in Imperishable Night that she drank the Hourai Elixir, and in the Final A of all teams, Kaguya helps Eirin after she is defeated the first time shouting out that the heroines won't forget what is going to happen, referring to both the Hourai Elixir and Eirin's true power. This confirms that Eirin consumed the elixir, and has become immortal like Kaguya and Mokou.[1]
- Other abilities
Aside from her medical knowledge, Eirin seems to be very skilled in various forms of magic. For instance, in Imperishable Night, she sealed the whole Earth preventing anything or anyone from reaching or leaving it. Additionally, she replaced the real Moon with a fake one that was able to mislead the heroines with an illusion. According to herself, doing this was "hardly" her most powerful spell, meaning that she is probably able to use other types of sorcery that are far stronger than this[2].
A long time ago, Eirin was the Sage of the Moon; with her high intelligence and the aid of the former Princess of the Moon, Kaguya, she created the Hourai Elixir and gave it to her. As a result, Kaguya was exiled to Earth as a punishment for drinking the elixir. A few years later, Kaguya had been allowed to return to the moon and, along with other Lunarians, Eirin was sent to Earth as an emissary from the Moon. Eirin felt sorry for Kaguya because she herself wasn't punished even though she was the one who made the elixir. Her desire for redemption was so strong that she was ready to do anything for Kaguya, and so she killed all the other emissaries and decided to live on Earth with Kaguya as her own punishment.
After living a few hundred years hidden in the Bamboo Forest of Gensokyo, her whereabouts were discovered by the Moon, and led to the Eternal Night Incident, but at the time the incident was resolved, she came to know that even if she did not try to hide the Moon, the Envoys of the Moon wouldn't be able to come here. She has been living as a resident of Gensokyo thereafter.
Eirin might be based on Ame no Yagokoro Omoikane no Mikoto (天八意思兼命), the god who thought of the plan to lure Amaterasu out of hiding. This can be seen by her spell card, and by the correlation between Eirin's sharp intellect and Omoikane's. (Takami-Musubi is also very strongly associated with intellectual facilities.) The interrelationships of various lunar figures presents a more interesting situation. Eirin is distantly related to the Watatsuki sisters, both based on mythology. In the third chapter of Cage in Lunatic Runagate, Watatsuki no Toyohime mentions that Eirin's participation was critical to the founding of the lunar capital, and that she was older even than Tsukuyomi. Omoikane is the son of Takami-Musubi, one of the great gods that summoned Izanagi and Izanami into existence, but it's unclear whether Omoikane was born before the creation of the Japanese islands, which also saw the births of Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, and Susanoo. Regardless of whether she is "meant to be" Omoikane, Eirin clearly draws on Omoikane in many ways.
Her full name is Eirin Yagokoro (八意 永琳). The characters for Yagokoro (八意) literally means "Eight minds", and Eirin (永琳)) "Eternal jewel". "Eight" is a sacred number, especially for ancient Japanese, and it could mean "sacred, numerous, infinite". For example, Yakumo (八雲, eight clouds), Yashima (八島, eight islands), Yata no Kagami, Yaoyorozu no Kami. And gokoro is an ancient reading for Vorlage:Lang, which could indicate something about heart or mind. So her whole name could mean "Intelligence of eternally clear brightness over infinitely extended area", referring her to be the "Mind of God". It's revealed in Silent Sinner in Blue that "Eirin" is merely her earth name. Her true Lunarian first name is unpronounceable by the impure (i.e. earthlings). Her last name is "Yagokoro" in both cases. She is very much implied to be Omoikane.
Eirin hat weiße, lange Haare, die hinten zu einem Zopf gebunden sind, und dunkelgraue Augen. Auf dem Kopf hat sie eine blaue Kappe mit einem roten Kreutz, die an die Kopfbedeckung einer Krankenschwester erinnert. Ihr Kleid ist auf einer Seite dunkelblau und auf der anderen Seite leuchtend rot. Das Muster des Kleids ist den Sterzeichen "Großer Bär" und "Orion" nachempfunden. In der rechten Hand trägt sie einen Bogen und in der linken einen Pfeil.
Eirin's clothing has trigrams (broken and solid Yin/Yang lines) lining the bottom hem. They appear to be the complete set of trigrams used in Feng Shui, and match the set of trigrams on the Hakkero.
- Imperishable Night
During the events of Imperishable Night, Eirin attempted to seal the passage between the Earth and Moon, which opens every full moon, by casting a spell that would seal the Earth inside a chamber (similar to a Chinese folktale about a paradise found inside a pot). She only meant to do this to protect both Kaguya and Reisen so that the emissaries coming from the Moon wouldn't be able to reach them, but this did not go unnoticed by the various Youkai in Gensokyo who enjoy the moonlight.
- Hauptartikel: Boundary Team Arc
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- Hauptartikel: Magic Team Arc
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- Hauptartikel: Scarlet Team Arc
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- Hauptartikel: Ghost Team Arc
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- Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom
Eirin is involved in the backstory of Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom. The Moon habitants decided to make an invasion to Gensokyo with the intent of purifying it. Moon rabbits and mechanical spiders are razing the place and leaving a lifeless Earth. Gensokyo's humans can't fight by themselves, because a simple error means death, and it also looks like the youkai for some reason can't interfere with the purification, but Eirin planned ahead for such event and made a medicine that allows the user to see the close future. She sends Reisen to give the medicine to Reimu Hakurei, Marisa Kirisame, and Sanae Kochiya and resolve the incident. This medicine is the tool that allows the Pointdevice gameplay mode, in which the player cannot get hit once.
- Shoot the Bullet
In Shoot the Bullet, Aya Shameimaru encountered Eirin on stage 9 and took photos of her danmaku.
- Hopeless Masquerade
Eirin made a background cameo appearance in Hopeless Masquerade on the Human Village stage. She is seen sitting on a bench with Tewi Inaba, Kaguya Houraisan and Reisen Udongein Inaba drinking something.
- Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red
Eirin has created a new medicine called the Kochoumugan (Butterfly Dream Pill), which guarantees that one will have a pleasant dream. She says that since the youkai of Gensokyo rarely suffer from physical ailments, she began developing medicine for spiritual ailments instead. This particular medicine is ancient, but humans who took it in the past often found their dreams too enjoyable and never returned from the dream world, so Eirin has weakened its potency and made it safe to use. She also has a variety which causes nightmares instead of pleasant dreams.
In the interview, Eirin remarks that only a few people have come to buy the pill, even though it was a featured article in Aya's newspaper. Aya admits she doesn't have many readers. She is curious who is buying the medicine; Eirin is initially reluctant to say, but then reveals that it was Alice Margatroid. Aya mentions that she tried the pill herself, but found the dream uninteresting. Eirin suggests that she try Kochoumugan Nightmare Type (a scene in Shoot the Bullet).
Eirin first non-spell background in Imperishable Night
Eirin second non-spell background in Imperishable Night
Eirin third non-spell background in Imperishable Night
- PMiSSEirin1.JPG
Illustration of Eirin in Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red
- PMiSSEirin2.JPG
Another illustration of Eirin from BAiJR
Eirin in Silent Sinner in Blue
- Main visual.jpg
Eirin as seen in Cage in Lunatic Runagate
Eirin on the Chapter 1 cover of Cage in Lunatic Runagate
- GoMSigil-Eirin.jpg
Eirin's Sigil in the Grimoire of Marisa
- Kaguya Houraisan (Fellow Exile, Mistress)
- Reisen Udongein Inaba (Apprentice)
- Tewi Inaba (Allied Earth Rabbit)
- Fujiwara no Mokou (Indirect Recipient of Eternal Life)
- Sakuya Izayoi (Unknown)
- Watatsuki no Toyohime (Former Student, Distant Relative)
- Watatsuki no Yorihime (Former Student, Distant Relative)
- Lord Tsukuyomi (Relative, Lunar Capital Co-Founder)
- Alice Margatroid (Recurring Customer)
Spell Cards
- Eirin's profile states that she killed the other messengers sent with her. Kaguya's profile describes these messengers as "emissaries". Later official works would state that moon rabbits are trained as lunar emissaries, and it is unconfirmed if any of the emissaries were Lunarians. Given that rabbits are viewed merely as tools by the Lunarians, this may explain why the severity of murdering the other emissaries isn't emphasized whenever Eirin's crime of helping the princess comes up. Eirin has also made it clear in both Cage in Lunatic Runagate and chapter 2 in Silent Sinner in Blue that she has no qualms with killing moon rabbits should situation make her go to such lengths.
- Eirin has a Spell Card named "Apollo 13" after the aborted third American moon mission launched in April 1970. The spell card's spell sign is "Curse of the Heavens", and seems to imply that it was Lunarian magic, not mechanical failure, that critically damaged the spacecraft and forced it to abandon its lunar landing so as to forestall the "invasion". It's also stated that the Lunarians know why the number 13 is cursed. Eirin in Silent Sinner in Blue reveals that the Apollo series failed because the sun ("Apollo") is incompatible with the back side of the moon, and Cage in Lunatic Runagate's 2nd chapter mentions Lunarian technology while talking about the humans' failure to establish a base on the moon, implying Lunarian sabotage.
- Eirin had recently developed a medicine called Kochoumugan (Butterfly Dream Pill), which guarantees the person who takes it will have a pleasant dream once they fall asleep. The medicine was featured in an article in the Bunbunmaru Newspaper, but still remains fairly unpopular (mostly due to the fact that the paper itself isn't too popular). There is one customer, Alice Margatroid, who has returned numerous times to purchase the medicine however, although the reasons why were never disclosed.
- In Inaba of the Moon and Inaba of the Earth Chapter 13, it is seen that Eirin wants to dissect and/or experiment on Suwako Moriya due to her similarities to a frog.
- In Tibetan Buddhism, the bow held in the right hand with an arrow in the left (as Eirin holds them) is a symbol of wisdom as a means of projecting method or skillful means.
- The bow and the arrow are a possible reference to the huntress and Greek moon goddess Artemis (sister of Apollo; In Imperishable Night, ZUN made a joke about Apollo being the sun god, so he surely knows about Artemis). Artemis (or her bow) sometimes represents the crescent moon, symbol of full maturity in the cycle of life (it suits Eirin very well).
- Artemis is often assimilated to Selene (the personification of the moon), which is the root of Selenium, a non-metal antioxidant sometimes used as a medicine but toxic in large quantity to human beings. Antioxidants are known to improve life expectancy.
- Ursa Major, one of the constellations on Eirin's clothes, was originally Callisto, a servant of Artemis.
- It is also confirmed that ZUN is aware of the bow representing the crescent moon. In Cage in Lunatic Runagate Chapter 5, Yukari is unable to see the crescent moon due to a storm, and wonders if it's because there is no one on the moon who wields a bow anymore.
- In Chinese mythology, Houyi was a god of archery banished from heaven. He was married to Chang'e, Kaguya's Chinese equivalent. According to legends, he received the last two immortal elixirs from Xi Wangmu of Kunlun mountains in the west. Chang'e drank them both, who then ascended to the moon.
Offizielle Profile
Imperishable Night - キャラ設定.txt
Eirin Yagokoro IN | ○6面ボス 月の頭脳=
八意 永琳(やごころ えいりん) Eirin Yagokoro
能力:あらゆる薬を作る程度の能力。天才。 月の民。つまりは宇宙人。地上に隠れ住んでから結構長い。輝夜との 付き合いは、はるか昔輝夜が月に居た頃から始まっている。
の知能は抜群である。彼女の頭脳は人間のそれをはるかに上回るが、 逆に何を言っているのか良く判らない時も多い。
れていた輝夜を月に連れ戻しに来た使者の一人。ただ、とある理由で 輝夜と共謀し、月の使者を全員殺害してしまう。当時輝夜と一緒に住 んでいた賤しき地上人には、口止め料として永琳特製の「蓬莱の薬」 の入った薬の壺を手渡した。この薬、飲むと死ななくなるのである。
Stage 6 Boss, Intelligenz des Mondes
Eirin Yagokoro |
Touhou Bougetsushou official website
![]() |
八意 永琳(やごころ えいりん) 月人/あらゆる薬を作る程度の能力。 輝夜とともに永遠亭に隠れ住む元・月の民。薬の扱いに長 |
Offizielle Ressourcen
- 2004/08/15 Imperishable Night - Stage 5 dialogue; キャラ設定.txt
- 2005/12/30 Shoot the Bullet - Stage 9 spellcard comments
- 2005/08/11 Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red - Article and Interview: Eirin
- 2006/12/27 Perfect Memento in Strict Sense - Perfect Memento in Strict Sense/Eirin Yagokoro|Hourai Pharmacist: Eirin Yagokoro]]
- 2007/06/08 ~ 2009/04/09 Silent Sinner in Blue
- 2007/06/22 ~ 2009/11/22 Inaba of the Moon and Inaba of the Earth
- 2007/06/25 Cage in Lunatic Runagate - Chapter 1
- 2007/09/25 Cage in Lunatic Runagate - Chapter 2
- 2008/03/26 ~ 2008/04/26 Strange and Bright Nature Deity - Chapters 17-18
- 2009/12/27 The Grimoire of Marisa - Eirin Yagokoro's Spell Cards
- ↑ Imperishable Night, Final A - Kaguya: With the medicine made by my power, and Eirin's true strength, you'll never forget this as long as you live!
- ↑ Imperishable Night - Barrier Team's Scenario.
Reisen: Ah, you're talking about the moon? That's my master Eirin's most powerful spell. It makes this Earth into a giant, sealed chamber. Do you get it now?
Eirin: Also, about that full moon-erasing spell. It's hardly my most powerful one.